Top 10 Vest Wearers

The vest wearer, an iconic look for an action star. Sometimes all it takes is one movie (or one vest) to make an icon, other times the vest becomes so linked to a character there is no other costume available for them to consider wearing. P.S. That is a vest, in American it may be... Continue Reading →

Idiots Guide To The Terminator Series

This handy guide not only gives a simple overview of what happens in each Terminator movie (so you don't have to watch them) but also allows you to know which movie it is by what Arnie is wearing. 1) The  Terminator - so 1980s it is a wonder The Terminator doesn't have a rubix cube... Continue Reading →

Top 10 Things That Have Happen in an Elevator in the Movies

Elevators are great in movies, they act as such great framing devices. What other reason is there for characters to stand so close together and look awkward?Sometimes elevators work as a little breather between intense scenes. Or are a pause before something really big happens. And sometimes the elevator is the intense scene. It can... Continue Reading →

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