The Many Faces Of Sigourney Weaver

Sigourney Weaver may have dug herself something of a niche, with a reputation for appearing in sci-fi - thanks Alien franchise, she now collects a paycheck for making cameo roles or even a voice-over or two in sci-fi or sci-fi(ish) movies, Wall-e, Cabin In The Woods, Paul, Vamps and Chappie to name a few. But... Continue Reading →

Top 10 Vest Wearers

The vest wearer, an iconic look for an action star. Sometimes all it takes is one movie (or one vest) to make an icon, other times the vest becomes so linked to a character there is no other costume available for them to consider wearing. P.S. That is a vest, in American it may be... Continue Reading →

Chappie – review

A police droid working in (near future)Johannesburg, gets a software upgrade, in the form of consciousness. He is the first robot to have artificial intelligence allowing him to learn and develop like a real boy. Only trouble is he has fallen in with the wrong crowd. Its only March and we already have this years... Continue Reading →

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