A Wrinkle In Time – review

Middleschooler Megs scientist father has been missing for years, but she gets a visit from a strange ... ( pick one; alien? god? weird lady in bright clothes?) who says he has travelled through space/dimensions and she can probably get him back, but it will be a 'journey'. Based on a successful, popular on the... Continue Reading →

Hidden Gem – The Princess And The Frog

  Hidden Gem – A film from the recent past you might have overlooked or didn’t know about, but you should check it out. This Disney movie is a retelling of the fairytale The Frog Prince, only set during 1920s New Orleans. The Princess And The Frog was released in 2009 and has been ignored... Continue Reading →

Selma – review

A biopic of Martin Luther King Jr, but rather than following his entire life the movie simply focuses on the events of one year, 1965. In particular the protest marches from Selma to Alabama state capital of Montgomery. Selma is a a real eye opening movie about a small segment of the civil rights movement.... Continue Reading →

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