The Many Faces of Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig is most well known for playing James Bond, but regardless of movie he never smiles or wears a hat, and always has these faces to work with.

Daniel Craig sure can pout, even if he gets stroppy if people ask him about it. His pout is as powerful as Keira Knightleys.

The real reason Daniel Craig has made it as a working actor through the 90s and early 00s was a willingness to be naked. Usually this technique is employed by actresses but well done to Craig for making it work.

Now he is a bit older he can afford to show a little less skin and demand a nice wardrobe, ‘it’s part of their character,’ he says ‘they would wear an expensive suit.’

And when not in a suit, Daniel Craig has a surprisingly high number of dashing waistcoats in his wardrobe too.

When Craig is pouting he is holding a phone and looking very confused, sometimes by the call and sometimes by the phone itself. 

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