Weekly Roundup – 08 May 18

I am so glad that Justin Timberlake turned up for the N’Sync, Walk of Fame Star, because I seriously wondered what the guy from Papa Roach, Rylan Clark, Loki and Guy Fieri were all doing together.

It was a busy week for selling something by lying like a mermaid on the grubby sidewalks of LA, Zoe Saldana has Avengers Infinity War to promote. 

What I said about Chris Hemsworth last week, about wearing too much jewellery? Well Zoe Saldanas husband has more junk round his neck than Hemsworth and Johnny Depp combined. Although the star earring is just the background.

Margo Robbie will be competing in Worlds Strongest Man this year, what with her being able to pull a ship using her neck, she will probably win. 

I spy a Minion at 7o’clock

When you have the Met Gala at 5pm, but you have to be back to the Death Star at 7pm.

When you get told your outfit makes look like the Pope, you have two options, you embrace it like Rhianna Or you hate it and want to go home like Chadwick Boseman

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