Hunt For The Wilderpeople – review

Ricky is a boy who is on his last chance in child services, he gets rehomed in the countryside and after a series of unfortunate events he finds himself in the outback with his cranky foster father and his dog Tupac while a statewide manhunt is underway to find them.

What an unexpected treat Hunt For The Wilderpeople is, not unexpected in that I expected it to be terrible, on the contrary, I saw the directors previous movie What We Do In The Shadows and loved it. It was unexpected, in that I didn’t know it existed.

The film is very funny, it has a very dry sense of humour and lots of charm between the two leads, Sam Neill and Julian Dennison which really adds to emotional backbone of the movie. The scene in which the two meet some hunters and they think he is a child abuser and  Ricky makes some comments that make matters worse. Wow, that really doesn’t sound funny when I write it down, but seriously, this scene is a highlight.

Another charming comedy from  Taika Waititi, one that feels distinctly Kiwi too, you might have missed it upon initial release but you should be sure to check it out. 

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