Weekly Roundup – 16 August 16

In an uncertain future where we face a future with the prospect Donald Trump becoming the president of the USA, it is reassuring to know that as somethings in the world change, Diane Kruger still loves her favourite hat. See here and here.

diane krugger that hat


Well there may not be any room in The Magnificent Seven for the token woman on the team to partake in the over the shoulder poster pose, see here, so it is up to the Asian guy on the team to get the butt shot.

magnificent_seven over the shoulder


And on the fourth day Gisele created the sun.

gisele create life


The Game looks like he is about to cry, probably because no matter how he dresses like him, he just can’t dance like Magic Mike.

the game magic mike


Bet that’s not Ellie Gouldings sofa, not only does she have a glass on it (what happened to  the coaster rule?) and worse of all, her dirty shoes are right on the cushions. Don’t expect an invite to come back again Goulding, you’ve ruined their sofa.

ellie goulding feet on sofa


I known Pierce Brosnan is looking a bit rough nowadays but he doesn’t look like a scary clown that lives in the sewer to me.


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