The Real Hero – Finnick Odair

Sometimes a character gets overlooked, someone who may not be as loud or as flashy or even the main character but they are in fact really important to the story but you just never noticed.

The real hero in The Hunger Games is Finnick Odair. He won his Hunger Games, which we know from the experiences of Katniss and Peeta is dramatic enough, then spends the following 10 years forced into high class prostitution by President Snow, then has to take part in a second Hunger Games, followed by joining the rebellion. He makes some serious heroic sacrifices along the way.


The reason Finnick made it through his Hunger Games is because he is a badass fighter. Using a trident and a net like a gladiator, makes him strong, intelligent and ruthless, which makes him a great addition to the team.finnick tridentgladiator retiarius

He is also a devilishly handsome type III cardigan wearer.


But Finnicks good looks have made him a target for President Snows schemes. Forcing him to Julia Roberts his way through the Capitol but the guy has smarts, trading his body for secrets. So he has all this insider trading info on the high ups, which makes him a great addition to the team.

finnick Sugarcube

His job as a high class hoe-bag means that he is very good at using his masculine wiles to manipulate anyone he needs.

finnick secrets


He is a good judge of character, quickly realising that Katniss is somebody worth supporting, that perhaps she can bring about a change (even if it means he may not be around to see it).

finnick knows whats what


He is generous and caring, helping Mags when he can and being absolutely devastated when he can’t.

In addition to Mags, Finnick loves Annie, his secret love, she would be at risk is President Snow knew they were together, so they must remain in the shadows.  finnick jabberjays

Poor tragic Annie, she won her games with Finnick as her mentor, but she was driven mad by the trauma of the games. So she is massively vulnerable without being capture and tortured by Snow.



He is self sacrificing, using his life story, his plight as a distraction technique to aid Katniss. finnick speech


When this lone wolf does finally get a moment of happiness, it is only a moment. Finnick gets no happily ever after. He never gets to meet his own child.  finnick and annie

Ultimately Finnick Odair meets a tragic end. Much like Katniss, his motivations are to help those around him. But he has the resolve to be physically, mentally and emotionally making him equally as heroic as Katniss but even more tragic.  barbie-finnick-lizard1

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