The Many Faces Of Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana might have a reputation for being the brightly coloured character in sci-fi movies – blue in Avatar and green in Guardians Of The Galaxy, but that is only two movies, hardly a rainbow at all. Zoe Saldana has two default faces the first is ‘guns and ammo’ and the second is ‘I’m angry at you.’

Guns and ammo is obvious, this chick loves guns, not just guns, swords and bows and stabby weapons too, but mainly guns.


The other face is I’m Angry At You, and unlike guns and ammo it doesn’t just apply to sci-fi and action movies it is every genre. She knows how to give some mean stink eye, but it isn’t just I hate the world and everyone in it angry face, it is a very specific I’m Angry At You In Particular face.


She looks at you and you know you have done something wrong (you probably just don’t know quite what)

Did you know Zoe Saldana was in the Britney Spears movie, cause I didn’t. Still mega angry at someone despite having pink diamante encrusted sunglasses.

I don’t think it takes much to be angry at Ashton Kutcher.


She doesn’t approve of Bradley Coopers breifcase and Captain Jack Sparrow is close to getting his nose picked.


Rocket launchers and a sword I don’t remember her actually using in GofG.


I think the face from Death At A Funeral could be that someone has Ā pooed their pants and she is really really disgusted. And she gets to look angry at Belgian Brando Matthias Schoenaerts, who, judging by his slick back hair and white vest is playing a bad boy.

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