Idiots Guide To Battlestar Galactica

This handy guide let you know all the ins and outs of Battlestar Galactica without ever having to watch the show. You know it was a popular sci-fi show and your friends said it was so much more than just sci-fi. What makes us human? Science vs religion, courtroom drama, survival ethics, terrorism, human rights. But there is a few cheats you can use to get to grips with what is going on (but I’m not going to spoil who the final 5 are, no way).

The lingo – knowing what everyone is talking about really helps to understand whats going on.

Toastersbsg skin job.pngToaster are the the worker bees robots Cylons of the bad guy world in BSG, they do their job without talking back (and may possibly be distant cousins of Kitt from Knight Rider)

Skinjobsbsg cylonsThe other type of robot Cylon, they look like humans. This name was half inched from Blade Runner. bsg skin job

Frakfrak noNo not gas extraction, the swear word of the future. Like Firefly used swears in Chinese to get past the sensors, Battlestar uses Frak. It only works when used sparingly, when it’s frak you, fraking toasters, I don’t frak with you, it all gets a bit much. See below:

But it has become so iconic that you have probably heard and seen it referenced in other stuff


The Characters – not every single one is the cast, some people are so boring you can’t remember their name, it is just the one in the overalls or the tall one. These are the most important one you should recognise.

Starbuck- No not the coffee, but probably the best character on the show


And probably the most cosplayed character too.starbuck cosplay bsg

The easiest way to tell which season of BSG it is by the length of Starbucks hair, it is different season

She might wear sunglasses indoors, smoke cigars and do push-ups and be an ace pilot like a dude but she still does girl stuff to like speak her mind and get kidnapped.


Adama – the leader with a frowny face of gravel

bsg admiral adama

With his glasses in one hand and some old school tech in the other the Admaral will always try and do the right thing in a tough situation.

bsg fun


President Stands With A Fist – she is always the reasonable one, until she really doesn’t like you then she’ll throw you out the fraking airlock.

president stands with a fist


Apollo – he starts as an ace pilot with daddy issues, then he discovers donuts and politics (you don’t need a degree or anything to be a space lawyer)

bsg apollo

He was used to wearing a dashing blue military uniform back when he was blonde and was Hornblowers BFF.bsg jamie bamber hornblower


Colonel Tigh – this guy has a skin coloured eye patch. That is all you need to know.

Battlestar Galactica

Helo – the wife of BSG, he is always the character the needs rescuing and offers comfort in times of distress.

bsg helo wife

Or he stays at home and looks after the kids.bsg helo mouther

At least in Dollhouse they let him take his shirt off and kick people.bsg dollhouse topless

He also falls somewhere between a type II and type III cardigan wearer.

tahmoh cardigan


The Cylons – the bad guys, they are 12 of them 1 to 13 with no number 7.

Number 6 – the sex bot of the cylons, you can tell that because she is wearing a red dress and in this photo the light appears to be shining out of her chiff chaff.

bsg cylon 6


Number 3 – the super religious cylon that looks a lot like Xena but with blonde hair.

bsg number 3

Number 8 – the good cylon, that is closest to being humanbsg agethon

Number 2 – the one that wears the shirt that is obsessed with Starbuckbsg cylon 2 leobon

Number 1 – the cylon-purist cylon from Quantum Leap, pretty villainous this one.

bsg cylon model 1

The Hybrid cylon – what happens when you spend over an hour in the bath, you’ll go a bit mad and possibly grow some snakes.cylon Hybrid

There are some other cylons but the fun is in the guessing not the knowing.

Battlestar Galactica

Baltar – he is a perv, has his own imaginary friend cylon and makes the wrong choices.baltar and head 6


Admiral Cain – only in a few episodes but the good ones, plus she was in the best scenes of Mockingjay part 2 as well.


The series is full of so much stuff, but no real story arcs per season.


Courtroom drama


Military Rule


Man vs machine

Just mention three of these in one sentence and no one will know you have never watched it.


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