Top 10 Things That Have Happen in an Elevator in the Movies

Elevators are great in movies, they act as such great framing devices.

lost in traslation elevator What other reason is there for characters to stand so close together and look awkward?sotl elevatorSometimes elevators work as a little breather between intense scenes. Or are a pause before something really big happens.bigtroubleelevator And sometimes the elevator is the intense scene. It can be action, drama or comedy.grand budepst hotel elevatorHaving recently noted that the only scenes in 50 Shades Of Grey that show any emotion or tension take place in an elevator. There are many, many memorable elevator scenes in other movies too.Matrix elevator


Die Hard – Nobody does elevators like Die Hard. From c4 tied to an office chair to ‘now I have a machine gun’ – all classics.die hard elevator


Speed – I’d grab Keanus hand, just saying.speed elevator


Resident Evil – There are a few elevator scenes in res evil movies, but this one is like the scene in Speed but the nightmare version on ‘roids. There are options but they are all lose lose a) turn into a zombie, b) get chopped in half or c) plummet many stories in said elevator.

Terminator 2 – speaking of nightmares, this scene is the sole reason I took the stairs until 2006.Ā term2 elevator

Elf – it’s not always scary, sometimes it can be funny too.

Captain America The Winter Solider – perhaps the best action scene from the past few years, explosive action, great fighting and character development all in one scene. Ā


Romeo + Juliet – the elevator is the secret room at the party for stolen kisses and reveled emotions.romeo and juliet elevator


Drive – this scene does so much, it might even be THE pivotal scene in the entire movie. It’s super clever and well constructed but it also sealed Drives fate with me. It was the scene thatĀ made me tip to the negative opinion Drive scale. I wouldn’t leave my goldfish with that creepy tinfoil jacket wearing weirdo let alone my child.

The Hunger Games Catching Fire – everything you need to know about 4 characters in an elevator in under a minute


The Cabin In The Woods – you know I love this movie by now right?

Spider-man 2 – sometimes even superheroes get tired


Single White Female (and Titanic) – the reason to hate those open metal gatey things (and housesharing).elevator titanic




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