Selma – review


A biopic of Martin Luther King Jr, but rather than following his entire life the movie simply focuses on the events of one year, 1965. In particular the protest marches from Selma to Alabama state capital of Montgomery.

Selma is a a real eye opening movie about a small segment of the civil rights movement. It is shocking to think that this is the way black people in the USA were treated a mere 50 years ago, whats even more shocking is that hardly anything has changed. With cases of unnecessary violence by the police against unarmed black civilians, such as the shooting of Michael Brown and the resulting civil unrest occurring only last year.

So why didn’t Selma receive a bigger box office and collect more awards at the Oscars? Well I think for a number of reasons, as follows;

While Selma is clever, thought provoking and bolstered by a strong central performance by David Oyelowo, it is dry in its story telling, basic but not all that engaging for viewers.

Then there is the name? Who is this Selma chick and why isn’t she on the poster, which is of the back of a guys head, how am I supposed to know that is MLK? Bit of a poor move in my book.

Then there’s the Oscars, why did it only pick up Best Song? (David Oyelowo did not even receive a nomination). Well the Oscar voters are ‘conservative’ which means a bit racist, sexist and they hate animation to boot. And when there is a movie about the inner workings of Hollywood nominated its always going to win. Plus 12 Years A Slave won the year before. Two films about the history of African Americans yes, but 12YaS is far enough in the past to be considered history while Selma makes people embarrassed and ashamed.

Selma is well worth a watch and should not be overlooked as it is a fascinating look at one of the most influential men in American history.

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