Is Terminator Genisys the most pointless sequel ever?

It is one thing to make a rubbish sequel or a pointless reboot, but it’s something else entirely to make a sequel combined with a reboot that does its best to destroy everything good about The Terminator and Terminator 2. Yes that’s right the only two good movies in the series have been put through a shredder and randomly taped back together.

To Start with – don’t let a dyslexic title your movie or do any proof reading for you. They will fail. This is probably why the plot looks like a tangled mess of time travel. 
terminator genisys

It looks so confusing and pointless, everything is sort of the same but completely different, why bother? Just watch Terminator 2 again.

So the Khaleesi from Game Of Thrones is playing Sarah Connor (I knew she wasn’t a natural blonde). She certainly knows how to pull an angry face but can she do anything else?khaleesi terminator angry faceSee the reason we like Sarah Connor from T2 is that you could actually imagine that Linda Hamilton could be a total badass. The chin ups, the muscles, she could probably take that AK47 apart and back together blind folded and most of all the sunglasses with side shields. She is tough, strong and will not get sand in her eyes. She is scary.sarah connor bad assWhy would we be scared of Daenerys? Because she has dragons. That’s why. (I am also a bit scared of her eyebrows to be honest). But not got any dragons, not a badass.khaleesi dragons

It looks as though the terminator has looked after her for a whileterminator gen 5 daddy

And we all know what happens when your daddy is a terminator … you totally loose it and start dating Miley daddy is a terminator yours is a hic

Poor Jai Courtney is playing Kyle Reese, it would appear the only thing he shares with Michael Biehn is the gormless expression. Where is his overcoat? Where is his sawn-off?  Why does he have a different hair cut?terminator gen kyle reese

That answers why he has short hair.Jai_Courtney curley mop

I guess they are hoping his body distracts from the acting. terminator gen 2terminator gen 1

The scars look a bit homemade, like someone has mixed up some cooked pasta and stuck it to this guys face. (I don’t know this guys name, he plays the other brother that doesn’t even make it onto the poster in Lawless, even Shia LaBeouf was on the poster. So he must be cheap).terminator gen scars

Robert Patrick wasn’t answering his phone so he has an Asian guy playing a T1000, but the guy does have some vogue worthy cheekbones.terminator gen cheekbones

Then there is Arnie (he is too old to be wearing a hoodie) and CGI Arnie looks kinda purple.terminator arnie

And where is Dr Who?ew dr who


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