Matthew McConaughey Sells Cars

lincoln mcconThere are a series of commercials featuring Matthew McConaughey sat in a Lincoln, talking rubbish and driving aimlessly.

The commercials are directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, you know, the guy that made Drive, so they are going for moody and a bit too obscure to understand whats going on.mcconaughey lincoln drive

It also goes on about time and space and it being a never ending flat circle or something. So in some shameless cross promotion it reminds you to watch True Detective and Interstellar.interstellar_a

Because there are cars and spaceships and proper acting, maybe even with a capital A to watch and if you like that you’ll sure to like a Lincoln.true-detective-car

McConaughey reminds us that he has always liked Lincoln. Cause you know, he did lawyering out  of the back of one ages ago.lincoln_lawyer

One of the commercials in the series features a big cow, lincoln mccon3 He looks at it, gives it a cheeky wink,lincoln mccon4 wink like Simon Cowell often does …cheeky wink cowellthen he drives off. Crocodile Dundee would never have turned around. He would have taken that bull down.crocodile-dundee-bull

The commercials have been spoofed by everyone,  South Park have done itsouthpark mccongauhey

And the Jim Carrey ones are great


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