The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 – review



Katniss is back, but this time (despite the title) there are no Hunger Games, it’s all out war between the poor districts and The Capitol with President Snow the being the baddest bad guy there is.

Having read the books I know the story, the majority of the big events taking place in the second half of Mockingjay. I didn’t have high hopes for Mockingjay part 1 but I was most pleasantly surprised, Mockingjay part 1 was very entertaining, engaging and thought provoking.

It is once again Jennifer Lawrences movie, it is her acting and reacting that sells a lot of the scenes from action to emotion. It is to her credit and the excellent and imperfect character of Katniss Everdeen, not only that we are not bored of her after three movies, but we are invested in what happens to her.

Although with a small role this time round  Josh Hutcherson has a few key yet powerful scenes. Others returning have little to do but Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks and Philip Seymour Hoffman make the most of their limited screen time. The only newcomer to make an impact is Julianne Moore and she is not as ruthless or manipulative as I have imagined her to be.

This movie features a lot of aspects of modern warfare (and life in general) that happens in our world too. The use of the media in war, PTSD and the public rebelling against a corrupt government are front and centre.

The story takes place pretty much in the underground lair that is District 13 and everyone dresses like they are from Top Gun so I can understand why people thought it was a little slow and without much action. But the ‘Hanging Tree’ sequence when everyone joins in singing and revolting had me on the edge of my seat and it was emotive to boot. District 13 is all a bit down to earth, lacking the flair of the capitol and the horror of the games we have grown to know from the previous movies.

Yes the decision to split Mockingjay into 2 parts is purely a money making move, especially for a book without enough content to fill two movies but Mockingjay part 1 is a worthwhile addition to The Hunger Games series even if you think of it as a really long trailer, I for one cannot wait for part 2.

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