X-Men: Days Of Future Past – review



X-Men: Days Of Future Past is the seventh installment in the X-Men series, this time its left to ol’ Wolverine to save the day (again) not just for the X-Men crew but everyone because killer robots from the future are messing everything up (typical). He has to go back in time. Which is a very convenient way for the cast of the original three and first class to be in the same movie (great).

Despite the contrived way in which Wolverine gets back to the past, it doesn’t make a lot of sense so it just gets ignored. Those aren’t Kittys powers, but whatever, go with it. FYI non-geeks: its Rachel Summers with the brain bending powers. There are a passel of new characters that are given little to no introduction, only by Bishops big gun and red cape do I know its him.

Everyone makes an appearance if only for a throwaway line or two. The only actor of a significant role not to make an appearance is Rebecca Romijn, I guess she is bored with having bluoobs?

Some of the set pieces are terrific, the plastic prison break is great, just the right amount of Evan Peters Quicksilver, anymore of him I would have been irritated, too much tinfoil for my taste. Mystiques balletic take-downs and the really hardworking tag team of the future mutants. Hugh Jackman is again perfect as Wolverine. I didn’t really understand what Magneto intended to do with that stadium, apart from adding a little bit of product placement. Bad Gandalf was a bit short changed too.

Hairy prof, hot Magneto and blue Katniss are the core characters here as in First Class, its still their story at heart. Magneto and the prof are totally in love, lets go play chess *wink wink*.  A lot of the time travel is easy to understand if I just say to you Terminator 2, there is no fate but what we make. The evil robots from the future are even like T-1000s. Thanks for the help James Cameron. x-men campaign-to-stop-killer-robots1

Sidebar: whats going on with the poster above, Professor X looks like he has fiery farts and Wolverine doesn’t have metal claws this time round.

On the whole there is a lot going on but it is all thoroughly enjoyable, lets just hope that Apocalypse bulks up a bit in time for the next one.

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