Pacific Rim – review

pacific_rim_ver3After a lot of moaning for ages about how Pacific Rim looks like a rip of a whole bunch of other movies, I watched PR with a great amount of trepidation and low expectations. My only positive thoughts were the two thumbs up reviews that had began to trickle in and three words, Guillermo Del Toro. Anyone that makes a film as beautiful, creative and powerful as Pans Labyrinth, can’t go far wrong can he?pans labyrinthWell turns out the answer is yes, he can.

The rough plot of PR doesn’t hang about, the back-story and set up all happen pretty fast, within the first 10 minutes. Yes its not that complicated, Monsters from space arrive via a crack in the ocean and humans make giant robots to fight them. So if its not that complicated then why is the film so damn long, it could have done with being a hour shorter.

Yes the robot vs monster fights were good but as I’m not an eight year old boy, I need a little more entertainment than the third act in a Power Rangers episode. Characters with actual character and actors with the ability to do an accent would be nice, Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba and Robert Kazinsky, I’m looking at all of yous. Points for Ron Pearlmans cameo though.

The story is littered with loads of plot holes and some truly dire dialogue.

The nationality stereotypes and military archtypes are all here and I’m bored with them already. Idris being all shouty – check. A rebel solider who is the best at what he does – check. Someone with daddy issues – check. A nerd inventing stuff – check. For all the robots fighting in the rain, it brings nothing new to the table .

The standout scene in the movie has to be the one with the little girl, a shoe and a monster. This scene felt genuinely epic in scale and small and human at the same time. I wish the rest of the movie could be more like this.

Why is it that I can accept the popcorn nature of Fast and Furious 6 but not Pacific Rim? Someone clever will have to answer that  for me.

I honestly have no idea what other people have been watching when they say its good movie. It really isn’t.

One thought on “Pacific Rim – review

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  1. First of all, let me say that I love your blog name (great minds think alike). 🙂 Second of all I completely agree with you on your review of Pacific Rim! My counterpart Jarret seems to disagree though. When you get a chance, we’d love for you to check out our own review of the movie and let us know what you think!

    Peace an’ Blessin’s,


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