Odd Couple – The boy from kick-ass and that artsy photographer director woman

sam taylor wood aaron johnsonIts hard to believe that when the two of them got together, it was before he made Kick-Ass. He was so young and innocent. She was the director of Nowhereboy and he was the young ingenue. I’m sensing control issues.

kick ass aaron

Now he has facial hair, a very curly barnet,  a marriage, 4 children and a very protective glare, all in the space of 4 years. All I’ve done in 4 years is eat cookies and drink tea.

Its like he has gone from awkward underfed Jay Baruchel to sad face Jon Snow

Jay Baruchel jon snow

Sam Taylor Wood clearly knows whats shes doing she traded in this silver fox, who is four years her senior, for a much younger model. 23 years her junior. sam-taylor-wood-jay joplingInheriting two step kids when you are only 7 years older, she has ensured that her children will always be looked after I guess. (I am not going to mention the crazy hair or ‘tashe, in this photo, make of it what you will) . He has also taken her name. He has gained a hyphen and lost his testicles.Aaron+Johnson+Sam+Taylor+Wood kids

Their standard pose together is her pregnant and him holding onto the bump. Making sure it doesn’t fall out. pregnant1


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