Weekly Roundup – 07 March 13

Beyonce keeps it real by pretending to be a zombiebeyonce zombiePrincess Kate must hold onto the tiny pillow up her jumper or it might just fall out

kate middleton bumpkate middleton bump 2

Your hair may be short Miley but if its covered in peroxide and you get in the pool, it will change colour.

Miley Cyrus blue hair

Confirmation that Justin Bieber has no testiclesjustin bieber angel

Does however do a super impression of Spongebob Squarepants

justin bieber hat spongebob squarepants

And inspire a fabulous rant:



Part 2? So the first movie wasn’t the last exorcism then was it. Shame.



Rihanna is still an idiot. She actually talks out of her ass, ‘Gotcha bitch tip toeing on my marble flo’!!! Sick ass custom Prada boots! Miuccia you RULE!!! Thanks you.’ Do they not teach English in schools in Barbados?

rihanna twitter thong boots

She also said ‘me and Chris Brown are unbreakable’ oh yeah, tell that to your face.

I hope the person that has to take all those half naked photos of her and put them on instagram for her gets paid plenty of money. She’s a bit too dumb to work out how to instagram by herself.


The Catching Fire posters especially Peeta. Taking fashion tips from Taylor Swift and wearing that white suit with Ugg boots and a polo neck. Is that chair floating a little bit too?




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